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Strategic ORM Integration to Skyrocket Your Digital Marketing Game

by | Jul 24, 2024 | Digital Marketing

digital marketing agency Los Angeles

As the competition in the digital space has intensified in recent times, protecting the online reputation of brands has become challenging for companies. Google Reviews, Social Media Channels, and other social forums allow users to post comments and reviews. The positive reviews help to promote the brand and improve its overall presence. However, the negative comments and feedback severely impact the brand image. But there is a solution! This article discusses critical strategic ways you must follow to respond to any negative comments that may jeopardize your company’s online reputation. 

What is ORM?

ORM, or Online Reputation Management, is a strategic instrument to improve the online presence of businesses. In this technology-driven society, where making an online presence is a fundamental social norm to stay connected and informed, investing in creating a better online reputation is a prerequisite for businesses.

The Web 3.0 framework of social media and digital platforms takes cues from various intricate details about customer reviews and interactions to identify the popularity of any brand or website. The competitive era promotes indulging more with positivity and ingenuity while nonresponding to any unsatisfied customer feedback can impact brand image. 

That is why the best digital marketing agencies in Los Angeles advocate the practice of online reputation management to make more happy customers while making necessary improvements in products and services.

Why ORM is Important for Businesses?

ORM is an integral part of the online promotion strategies of successful businesses that operate in the consumer space. However, increasing competition drives many companies that produce industrial products to implement ORM solutions actively. 

The need for ORM is growing to:

  • Maintain an effective digital ecosystem.’
  • Make a strong online presence while being connected with consumers effortlessly
  • Improve brand presence and brand visibility online
  • Make a strong brand image
  • Restrict the spreading of rumours or negativity about the products, services, or companies
  • Make users an integral part of building a solid brand
  • Promote the popularity of the products or services to stay ahead of the competition.

How to Strategically Integrate ORM to Boost Online Presence

1. Conducting Brand Audit

Understanding the brand’s health is necessary to devise an impactful ORM strategy. Successful digital marketing companies in Los Angeles assess and identify consumers’ overall response to clients’ core business offerings. 

When the percentage of dissatisfied users is high compared to the satisfied consumers in case businesses selling electronic products, mechanical instruments, social applications, and others, the agencies frame a different strategy for ORM.

For businesses offering services such as restaurants, retail shops, eateries, hotels, pet care, and hospitals, digital marketing agencies take proactive approaches to encourage users to share more positive reviews. 

Therefore, it is very important to identify the key factors driving the business in positive directions and where the brand is failing to generate satisfactory results before crafting the best plan for online reputation management.

2. Investing in Search Engine Optimization

The critical algorithm of search engine optimization promotes and ranks the best and leaves the poorly performing behind. In the digital ecosystem, when your target consumers respond positively to your website, social media channels, Google reviews, and other media channels, your website will be ranked higher on the Google search result page.

The opposite is true when consumers leave negative feedback. Hence, successful search engine marketing agencies in Los Angeles aim to promote your business by writing blogs, improving social media profiles, responding to users positively, rewarding positive reviewers, and taking many initiatives that spread the goodness and positivity of your brand.

Implementing an online reputation management strategy takes time to bring the desired outcome. However, improving necessary business operations and services is paramount to alleviate the dissatisfaction and anger of users. Holding any negative sentiments about the brand will bring down the overall image, sentiment, and, most precisely, the ranking of the brand or website.

3. Building a Compelling Brand Story

The best way to manage an online reputation is by crafting an effective brand narrative. While creating a compelling brand story, the successful digital marketing agencies in Los Angeles put consumers at the centre point. The heroes of the story must match the audiences’ pulse, which solves their problem using the best solutions offered by the business. 

However, the story must align with the company’s values, culture, and brand. A simple and credible story amazes consumers with its emotional and dramatic quotients. Unfolding the story through various twists and turns should engage consumers at every stage.

The creative quotient in the story must celebrate the vibe of being connected with the core consumers. The more deeply rooted the story becomes, the more people will find a link with the company. Cherishing and strengthening bonding with the core audiences through the brand story will enhance the potential of brand recall, positive attribute association, and effective promotion of the company.

4. Optimizing Social Media Management

When it comes to online reputation management, optimizing social media presence is essential. Social media platforms are a way to communicate directly with consumers. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Website Blogs, and more allow users to share their reviews and feedback for the services and products of respective brands.

Reputed digital marketing companies in Los Angeles use social media channels to respond immediately to any consumer feedback. The agencies encourage consumers to share their authentic views. In case of any negative feedback received, the agencies instantly reply to the users and take necessary actions to avoid reiteration of similar incidents. 

Replying to users through comments, press releases, or emails shows that the company is willing to take all responses for any mishaps. It also shows the company’s authority to control its operations so that consumers receive the best products and services.

5. Online Crisis Management

Managing online crises becomes a challenging task for companies without any professional assistance. The reputed digital marketing companies in Los Angeles take all the proactive approaches possible to manage the online reputation of the companies so that no sudden online crisis takes place.

Even if it happens despite many efforts, responding tactfully to a crisis such as a server downtime, link failure, sudden consumer anger, hacked social media profile, communicating a wrong message, or others, requires empathy, swiftness, and technical knowledge.

You must appease the angry and panicked consumers to ensure the brand is responsible and powerful enough to tackle any uncertainties. Ensure and establish a high brand reputation by using multiple communication channels to communicate with consumers and make necessary initiatives to sort out any uncontrolled mishaps. 

6. Collaborating with Influencers

Influencers who have credible social presences successfully shape consumers’ decisions by offering honest reviews and information. Maintaining an effective online brand reputation becomes easier if you maintain a good rapport with influencers.

The reputed digital marketing agency in Los Angeles, Exnovation, identifies the influencers who align with the brand in terms of communicating the right message, promoting the right brand persona, and audience exposure. Collaborating with these influencers will help to increase brand credibility.

Therefore, online reputation management agencies consider influencers to be a key communication point that can provide critical information on behalf of the brand if required. 

8. Accessing Professional Assistance

The expert digital marketing agency in Los Angeles, Exnovation, deploys a team of experts to monitor consumer reviews, brand name tagging, social media interactions, and other communication activities that directly or indirectly refer to the clients. 

In case of negative publicity for a client’s company, the experts take necessary actions on behalf of the client company to appease angry consumers and improve the brand image. Tactfully spreading positive news, guest blogging, and taking essential proactive measures to help the client ensure a better brand image and brand presence. 


Building the online reputation of companies is a strategic endeavour that requires consistent effort and dedication. Repairing poor online impressions of the companies is critical to establish a healthy brand image. Exnovation offers expert support to rejuvenate brand health and create a better online presence for companies. The agency takes care of implementing effective SEO strategies, promptly responding to consumer reviews, managing online crises, and developing better engagement across social channels. Take expert assistance to improve your brand’s online visibility and protect its goodwill to unleash the optimum potential.


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